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2023-05-13 17:45:55 +02:00
diff --git a/src/resources/jupyter/lang/julia/setup.jl b/src/resources/jupyter/lang/julia/setup.jl
index 5d092330f..94687394f 100644
--- a/src/resources/jupyter/lang/julia/setup.jl
+++ b/src/resources/jupyter/lang/julia/setup.jl
@@ -28,30 +28,6 @@ end
fig_width = fig_width * fig_dpi
fig_height = fig_height * fig_dpi
-# Intialize Plots w/ default fig width/height
- import Plots
- # Plots.jl doesn't support PDF output for versions < 1.28.1
- # so use png (if the DPI remains the default of 300 then set to 96)
- if (Plots._current_plots_version < v"1.28.1") & (fig_format == :pdf)
- Plots.gr(size=(fig_width, fig_height), fmt = :png, dpi = fig_dpi)
- else
- Plots.gr(size=(fig_width, fig_height), fmt = fig_format, dpi = fig_dpi)
- end
-catch e
- # @warn "Plots init" exception=(e, catch_backtrace())
-# Initialize CairoMakie with default fig width/height
- import CairoMakie
- CairoMakie.activate!(type = string(fig_format))
- CairoMakie.update_theme!(resolution=(fig_width, fig_height))
-catch e
- # @warn "CairoMakie init" exception=(e, catch_backtrace())
# Set run_path if specified
@@ -71,29 +47,5 @@ function isinstalled(pkg::String)
any(x -> x.name == pkg && x.is_direct_dep, values(Pkg.dependencies()))
-# ojs_define
-if isinstalled("JSON") && isinstalled("DataFrames")
- import JSON, DataFrames
- global function ojs_define(; kwargs...)
- convert(x) = x
- convert(x::DataFrames.AbstractDataFrame) = Tables.rows(x)
- content = Dict("contents" => [Dict("name" => k, "value" => convert(v)) for (k, v) in kwargs])
- tag = "<script type='ojs-define'>$(JSON.json(content))</script>"
- IJulia.display(MIME("text/html"), tag)
- end
-elseif isinstalled("JSON")
- import JSON
- global function ojs_define(; kwargs...)
- content = Dict("contents" => [Dict("name" => k, "value" => v) for (k, v) in kwargs])
- tag = "<script type='ojs-define'>$(JSON.json(content))</script>"
- IJulia.display(MIME("text/html"), tag)
- end
- global function ojs_define(; kwargs...)
- @warn "JSON package not available. Please install the JSON.jl package to use ojs_define."
- end
# don't return kernel dependencies (b/c Revise should take care of dependencies)