Markdown preview mode =========================== [![MELPA Stable](]( [![MELPA](]( Markdown preview in emacs features: * on save/idle preview update * scroll sync * custom/extra css and javascript * remote preview * multiple simultaneous previews ## Install * `package-install markdown-preview-mode` * `el-get-install markdown-preview-mode` ### Markdown processor `markdown-preview-mode` depends on `markdown-mode` for markdown processor, defined by `markdown-command` and it is [markdown]( by default. Please, make sure it is in your `$PATH`. ## Run * `markdown-preview-mode` - start mode and open preview window. * `markdown-preview-open-browser` - open preview window for current buffer. * `markdown-preview-cleanup` - cleanup running processes (close websocket and http servers). ## Customize * `customize-option markdown-command` - change markdown processor; take a look at [multimarkdown]( * `customize-option` [browse-url-browser-function]( - change the browser. * `customize-option markdown-preview-host` - change http/websocket server address. * `customize-option markdown-preview-ws-port` - change websocket server port. * `customize-option markdown-preview-http-port` - change http server port. * `customize-option markdown-preview-auto-open` - change the way preview window is open. ## Remote access * Set `markdown-preview-auto-open` to `nil` to disable window opening at remote emacs server. * Start `markdown-preview-mode`. Http link for preview will be printed to `*Messages*` buffer. If not - run `markdown-preview-open-browser` to get the link printed. * Setup 2 tunnels for `` and `` and then open preview link in local browser. Adjust tunnels according to your custom `ws-port` and `http-port` settings. ## Extra css ### Add extra css to default solarized dark theme ```lisp (add-to-list 'markdown-preview-stylesheets "") ``` ### Override theme completely ```lisp (setq markdown-preview-stylesheets (list "")) ``` ## Extra javascript ### Add MathJax ```lisp (add-to-list 'markdown-preview-javascript "") ``` ### async ```lisp (add-to-list 'markdown-preview-javascript '("" . async)) ``` ## Dependencies * [markdown-mode.el]( * [websocket.el]( * [web-server.el]( * [uuidgen](