package utils /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * * IMPORTS * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ import ( "fmt" "log" "reflect" "strconv" "strings" "" "" "ads/pkg/re" ) /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * * METHOD format strings with dictionary substitution * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ func FormatPythonString(text string, arguments map[string]interface{}) string { var ( err error key string value interface{} kind reflect.Kind refValue reflect.Value ) // force compatibility of expressions with python for key, value = range arguments { kind = reflect.TypeOf(value).Kind() switch kind { case reflect.Ptr: refValue = reflect.ValueOf(value) if refValue.IsNil() { arguments[key] = "None" } case reflect.Bool: arguments[key] = strings.Title(fmt.Sprintf(`%v`, value)) } } text, err = pyfmt.Fmt(text, arguments) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } return text } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * * METHOD dedent textblock and expand escaped symbols * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ func DedentIgnoreEmptyLines(text string) string { return dedent.Dedent(text) } func DedentIgnoreFirstAndLast(text string) string { text = re.Sub(`^\s*[\n\r]|[\n\r]\s*$`, ``, text) return DedentIgnoreEmptyLines(text) } func DedentAndExpand(text string) string { var err error var result []string result = []string{} text = dedent.Dedent(text) lines := strings.Split(text, "\n") for _, line := range lines { line = fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`, line) line, err = strconv.Unquote(line) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } result = append(result, line) } return strings.Join(result, "\n") } func FormatTextBlockAsList(text string, options ...bool) []string { var unindent bool = GetArrayBoolValue(&options, 0, true) if unindent { text = DedentIgnoreFirstAndLast(text) } return re.Split(`\n`, text) } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * * METHODS ansi * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ func StripAnsi(text string) string { return re.Sub(`\x1b[^m]*m`, ``, text) }