#!/usr/bin/env bash ############################################################################## # DESCRIPTION: Script for build-processes. # # Usage: # ~~~~~~ # ./build.sh [options] ############################################################################## SCRIPTARGS="$@"; FLAGS=( $@ ); ME="scripts/build.sh"; SERVICE="prod-service"; source scripts/.lib.sh; mode="$( get_one_kwarg_space "$SCRIPTARGS" "-+mode" "" )"; lang="$( get_one_kwarg_space "$SCRIPTARGS" "-+lang" "python" )"; options="$( get_one_kwarg_space "$SCRIPTARGS" "-+options" "" )"; option_venv="$( get_one_kwarg_space "$SCRIPTARGS" "-+venv" "false" )"; ( $option_venv ) && use_python_venv_true || use_python_venv_false; if [ "$mode" == "setup" ]; then if [ "$lang" == "go" ]; then run_setup_go; else #elif [ "$lang" == "python" ]; then run_setup; fi elif [ "$mode" == "dist" ]; then if [ "$lang" == "go" ]; then run_create_artefact_go; else run_create_artefact; fi elif [ "$mode" == "run" ]; then if [ "$lang" == "go" ]; then run_main_go $options; else #elif [ "$lang" == "python" ]; then echo "options=$options;$SCRIPTARGS." run_main $options; fi else _log_error "Invalid cli argument."; _cli_message ""; _cli_message " Call \033[1m./build.sh\033[0m with one of the commands"; _cli_message " $( _help_cli_key_values "--mode" " " "setup" "dist" "run" )"; _cli_message " $( _help_cli_key_values "[--lang]" " " "go" "python" )"; _cli_message ""; _cli_message " $( _help_cli_key_description "--lang python" " " "(default) runs option for the python source code" )"; _cli_message " $( _help_cli_key_description "--lang go" " " "runs option for the go source code" )"; _cli_message ""; _cli_message " $( _help_cli_key_description "--mode setup" " " "compiles programme" )"; _cli_message " $( _help_cli_key_description "--mode dist" " " "creates distribution artefact" )"; _cli_message " $( _help_cli_key_description "--mode run" " " "runs the programme" )"; _cli_message ""; exit 1; fi exit 0;