master > master: code py - refactoring
- umbenennungen - verbesseungen der Darstellungen - enums zur beseren Steuerung der versch. Modi - refactoring des Algorithmus - Verwendung von tabulator
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
from __future__ import annotations;
from __future__ import annotations;
from src.local.typing import *;
from src.thirdparty.types import *;
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# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@ -6,12 +6,8 @@
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
from __future__ import annotations;
from __future__ import annotations;
from enum import Enum;
from dataclasses import dataclass;
from dataclasses import field
from platform import node;
from src.local.typing import *;
from src.thirdparty.types import *;
from src.core.log import *;
from src.core.log import *;
from src.stacks.stack import *;
from src.stacks.stack import *;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
from src.hirschberg.algorithms import *;
from src.hirschberg.constants import *;
from src.hirschberg.display import *;
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
__all__ = [
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
from src.thirdparty.types import *;
from src.thirdparty.maths import *;
from src.hirschberg.constants import *;
from src.hirschberg.display import *;
from src.hirschberg.matrix import *;
from src.hirschberg.paths import *;
from src.hirschberg.types import *;
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
__all__ = [
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# METHOD hirschberg_algorithm
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
def simple_algorithm(
X: str,
Y: str,
verb: VerboseMode = VerboseMode.NONE,
show: List[DisplayOptions] = [],
) -> Tuple[str, str]:
Dieser Algorithmus berechnet die Edit-Distanzen + optimale Richtungen ein Mal.
Darus wird ein optimales Alignment direkt abgeleitet.
Costs, Moves = compute_cost_matrix(X = '-' + X, Y = '-' + Y);
path = reconstruct_optimal_path(Moves=Moves);
word_x, word_y = reconstruct_words(X = '-' + X, Y = '-' + Y, moves=[Moves[coord] for coord in path], path=path);
if verb != VerboseMode.NONE:
repr = display_cost_matrix(Costs=Costs, path=path, X = '-' + X, Y = '-' + Y, verb=verb);
display = word_y + f'\n{"-"*len(word_x)}\n' + word_x;
print(f'\n{repr}\n\n\x1b[1mOptimales Alignment:\x1b[0m\n\n{display}\n');
return word_x, word_y;
def hirschberg_algorithm(
X: str,
Y: str,
once: bool = False,
verb: VerboseMode = VerboseMode.NONE,
show: List[DisplayOptions] = [],
) -> Tuple[str, str]:
Der Hirschberg-Algorithmus berechnet nur die Edit-Distanzen (Kostenmatrix)
und weder speichert noch berechnet die Matrix der optimalen Richtungen.
Dies liefert eine Platz-effizientere Methode als die simple Methode.
Durch Rekursion wird eine Art Traceback durch die zugrunde liegende DP erreicht.
Daraus wird unmittelbar ein optimales Alignment bestimmt.
Des Weiteren werden Zeitkosten durch Divide-and-Conquer klein gehalten.
# ggf. nur den simplen Algorithmus ausführen:
if once:
return simple_algorithm(X=X, Y=Y, verb=verb, show=show);
align = hirschberg_algorithm_step(X=X, Y=Y, depth=1, verb=verb, show=show);
word_x = align.as_string1();
word_y = align.as_string2();
# verbose output hier behandeln (irrelevant für Algorithmus):
if verb != VerboseMode.NONE:
if DisplayOptions.TREE in show:
display = align.astree(braces=True);
display_x = align.as_string1(braces=True);
display_y = align.as_string2(braces=True);
display = display_y + f'\n{"-"*len(display_x)}\n' + display_x;
print(f'\n\x1b[1mOptimales Alignment:\x1b[0m\n\n{display}\n');
return word_x, word_y;
def hirschberg_algorithm_step(
X: str,
Y: str,
depth: int = 0,
verb: VerboseMode = VerboseMode.NONE,
show: List[DisplayOptions] = [],
) -> Alignment:
Der rekursive Schritt der Hirschberg-Algorithmus teil eines der Wörter in zwei
und bestimmt eine entsprechende Aufteilung des zweiten Wortes in zwei,
die die Edit-Distanz minimiert.
Dies liefert uns Information über eine Stelle des optimalen Pfads durch die Kostenmatrix
sowie eine Aufteilung des Problems in eine linke und rechte Hälfte.
n = len(Y);
if n == 1:
Costs, Moves = compute_cost_matrix(X = '-' + X, Y = '-' + Y);
path = reconstruct_optimal_path(Moves=Moves);
word_x, word_y = reconstruct_words(X = '-' + X, Y = '-' + Y, moves=[Moves[coord] for coord in path], path=path);
# verbose output hier behandeln (irrelevant für Algorithmus):
if verb != VerboseMode.NONE and (DisplayOptions.ATOMS in show):
repr = display_cost_matrix(Costs=Costs, path=path, X = '-' + X, Y = '-' + Y, verb=verb);
print(f'\n\x1b[1mRekursionstiefe: {depth}\x1b[0m\n\n{repr}')
return AlignmentBasic(word1=word_x, word2=word_y);
n = int(np.ceil(n/2));
# bilde linke Hälfte vom horizontalen Wort:
Y1 = Y[:n];
X1 = X;
# bilde rechte Hälfte vom horizontalen Wort (und kehre h. + v. um):
Y2 = Y[n:][::-1];
X2 = X[::-1];
# Löse Teilprobleme:
Costs1, Moves1 = compute_cost_matrix(X = '-' + X1, Y = '-' + Y1);
Costs2, Moves2 = compute_cost_matrix(X = '-' + X2, Y = '-' + Y2);
# verbose output hier behandeln (irrelevant für Algorithmus):
if verb != VerboseMode.NONE:
path1, path2 = reconstruct_optimal_path_halves(Costs1=Costs1, Costs2=Costs2, Moves1=Moves1, Moves2=Moves2);
repr = display_cost_matrix_halves(
Costs1 = Costs1,
Costs2 = Costs2,
path1 = path1,
path2 = path2,
X1 = '-' + X1,
X2 = '-' + X2,
Y1 = '-' + Y1,
Y2 = '-' + Y2,
verb = verb,
print(f'\n\x1b[1mRekursionstiefe: {depth}\x1b[0m\n\n{repr}')
# Koordinaten des optimalen Übergangs berechnen:
coord1, coord2 = get_optimal_transition(Costs1=Costs1, Costs2=Costs2);
p = coord1[0];
# Divide and Conquer ausführen:
align_left = hirschberg_algorithm_step(X=X[:p], Y=Y[:n], depth=depth+1, verb=verb, show=show);
align_right = hirschberg_algorithm_step(X=X[p:], Y=Y[n:], depth=depth+1, verb=verb, show=show);
# Resultate zusammensetzen:
return AlignmentPair(left=align_left, right=align_right);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
from src.thirdparty.types import *;
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
__all__ = [
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
class VerboseMode(Enum):
NONE = -1;
COSTS = 0;
MOVES = 1;
class DisplayOptions(Enum):
TREE = 0;
ATOMS = 1;
class Directions(Enum):
UNSET = -1;
# Prioritäten hier setzen
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
def gap_penalty(x: str):
return 1;
def missmatch_penalty(x: str, y: str):
return 0 if x == y else 1;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
from src.thirdparty.types import *;
from src.thirdparty.maths import *;
from src.hirschberg.constants import *;
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
__all__ = [
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
def represent_cost_matrix(
Costs: np.ndarray, # NDArray[(Any, Any), int],
path: List[Tuple[int, int]],
X: str,
Y: str,
verb: VerboseMode,
pad: bool = False,
) -> np.ndarray: # NDArray[(Any, Any), Any]:
m = len(X); # display vertically
n = len(Y); # display horizontally
# erstelle string-Array:
if pad:
table = np.full(shape=(3 + m + 3, 3 + n + 1), dtype=object, fill_value='');
table = np.full(shape=(3 + m, 3 + n), dtype=object, fill_value='');
# topmost rows:
table[0, 3:(3+n)] = [str(j) for j in range(n)];
table[1, 3:(3+n)] = [y for y in Y];
table[2, 3:(3+n)] = '--';
# leftmost columns:
table[3:(3+m), 0] = [str(i) for i in range(m)];
table[3:(3+m), 1] = [x for x in X];
table[3:(3+m), 2] = '|';
if pad:
table[-3, 3:(3+n)] = '--';
table[3:(3+m), -1] = '|';
match verb:
case VerboseMode.MOVES:
table[3:(3+m), 3:(3+n)] = '.';
for (i, j) in path:
table[3 + i, 3 + j] = '*';
case VerboseMode.COSTS | VerboseMode.COSTS_AND_MOVES:
table[3:(3+m), 3:(3+n)] = Costs.copy();
if verb == VerboseMode.COSTS_AND_MOVES:
for (i, j) in path:
table[3 + i, 3 + j] = f'\x1b[31;4;1m{table[3 + i, 3 + j]}\x1b[0m';
return table;
def display_cost_matrix(
Costs: np.ndarray, # NDArray[(Any, Any), int],
path: List[Tuple[int, int]],
X: str,
Y: str,
verb: VerboseMode,
) -> str:
Zeigt Kostenmatrix + optimalen Pfad.
- `Costs` - Kostenmatrix
- `Moves` - Kodiert die optimalen Schritte
- `X`, `Y` - Strings
- eine 'printable' Darstellung der Matrix mit den Strings X, Y + Indexes.
table = represent_cost_matrix(Costs=Costs, path=path, X=X, Y=Y, verb=verb);
# benutze pandas-Dataframe + tabulate, um schöner darzustellen:
repr = tabulate(pd.DataFrame(table), showindex=False, stralign='center', tablefmt='plain');
return repr;
def display_cost_matrix_halves(
Costs1: np.ndarray, # NDArray[(Any, Any), int],
Costs2: np.ndarray, # NDArray[(Any, Any), int],
path1: List[Tuple[int, int]],
path2: List[Tuple[int, int]],
X1: str,
X2: str,
Y1: str,
Y2: str,
verb: VerboseMode,
) -> str:
Zeigt Kostenmatrix + optimalen Pfad für Schritt im D & C Hirschberg-Algorithmus
- `Costs1`, `Costs2` - Kostenmatrizen
- `Moves1`, `Moves2` - Kodiert die optimalen Schritte
- `X1`, `X2`, `Y1`, `Y2` - Strings
- eine 'printable' Darstellung der Matrix mit den Strings X, Y + Indexes.
table1 = represent_cost_matrix(Costs=Costs1, path=path1, X=X1, Y=Y1, verb=verb, pad=True);
table2 = represent_cost_matrix(Costs=Costs2, path=path2, X=X2, Y=Y2, verb=verb, pad=True);
# merge Taellen:
table = np.concatenate([table1[:, :-1], table2[::-1, ::-1]], axis=1);
# benutze pandas-Dataframe + tabulate, um schöner darzustellen:
repr = tabulate(pd.DataFrame(table), showindex=False, stralign='center', tablefmt='plain');
return repr;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
from src.thirdparty.types import *;
from src.thirdparty.maths import *;
from src.hirschberg.constants import *;
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
__all__ = [
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# METHODS cost matrix + optimal paths
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
def compute_cost_matrix(
X: str,
Y: str,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: # Tuple[NDArray[(Any, Any), int], NDArray[(Any, Any), Directions]]:
Berechnet Hirschberg-Costs-Matrix (ohne Rekursion).
- X[0] = gap
- Y[0] = gap
m = len(X); # display vertically
n = len(Y); # display horizontally
Costs = np.full(shape=(m, n), dtype=int, fill_value=0);
Moves = np.full(shape=(m, n), dtype=Directions, fill_value=Directions.UNSET);
# zuerst 0. Spalte und 0. Zeile ausfüllen:
for i, x in list(enumerate(X))[1:]:
update_cost_matrix(Costs, Moves, x, '', i, 0);
for j, y in list(enumerate(Y))[1:]:
update_cost_matrix(Costs, Moves, '', y, 0, j);
# jetzt alle »inneren« Werte bestimmen:
for i, x in list(enumerate(X))[1:]:
for j, y in list(enumerate(Y))[1:]:
update_cost_matrix(Costs, Moves, x, y, i, j);
return Costs, Moves;
def update_cost_matrix(
Costs: np.ndarray, # NDArray[(Any, Any), int],
Moves: np.ndarray, # NDArray[(Any, Any), Directions],
x: str,
y: str,
i: int,
j: int,
Schrittweise Funktion zur Aktualisierung vom Eintrag `(i,j)` in der Kostenmatrix.
- alle »Vorgänger« von `(i,j)` in der Matrix sind bereits optimiert.
- `Costs` - bisher berechnete Kostenmatrix
- `Moves` - bisher berechnete optimale Schritte
- `i`, `x` - Position und Wert in String `X` (»vertical« dargestellt)
- `j`, `y` - Position und Wert in String `Y` (»horizontal« dargestellt)
# nichts zu tun, wenn (i, j) == (0, 0):
if i == 0 and j == 0:
Costs[0, 0] = 0;
# NOTE: Berechnung von möglichen Moves wie folgt.
# Fall 1: (i-1,j-1) ---> (i,j)
# ==> Stringvergleich ändert sich wie folgt:
# s1 s1 x
# ---- ---> ------
# s2 s2 y
# Fall 2: (i,j-1) ---> (i,j)
# ==> Stringvergleich ändert sich wie folgt:
# s1 s1 GAP
# ---- ---> -------
# s2 s2 y
# Fall 3: (i-1,j) ---> (i,j)
# ==> Stringvergleich ändert sich wie folgt:
# s1 s1 x
# ---- ---> -------
# s2 s2 GAP
# Diese Fälle berücksichtigen wir:
edges = [];
if i > 0 and j > 0:
Costs[i-1, j-1] + missmatch_penalty(x, y),
if j > 0:
Costs[i, j-1] + gap_penalty(y),
if i > 0:
Costs[i-1, j] + gap_penalty(x),
if len(edges) > 0:
# Sortiere nach Priorität (festgelegt in Enum):
edges = sorted(edges, key=lambda x: x[0].value);
# Wähle erste Möglichkeit mit minimalen Kosten:
index = np.argmin([ cost for _, cost in edges]);
Moves[i, j], Costs[i, j] = edges[index];
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
from src.thirdparty.types import *;
from src.thirdparty.maths import *;
from src.hirschberg.constants import *;
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
__all__ = [
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# METHODS optimaler treffpunkt
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
def get_optimal_transition(
Costs1: np.ndarray, # NDArray[(Any, Any), int],
Costs2: np.ndarray, # NDArray[(Any, Any), int],
) -> Tuple[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int]]:
Rekonstruiere »Treffpunkt«, wo die Gesamtkosten minimiert sind.
Dieser Punkt stellt einen optimal Übergang für den Rekursionsschritt dar.
(m, n1) = Costs1.shape;
(m, n2) = Costs2.shape;
info = [
Costs1[i, n1-1] + Costs2[m-1-i, n2-1],
(i, n1-1),
(m-1-i, n2-1),
for i in range(m)
index = np.argmin([ cost for cost, _, _ in info ]);
coord1 = info[index][1];
coord2 = info[index][2];
return coord1, coord2;
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# METHODS reconstruction von words/paths
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
def reconstruct_optimal_path(
Moves: np.ndarray, # NDArray[(Any, Any), Directions],
coord: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None,
) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]:
Liest Matrix mit optimalen Schritten den optimalen Pfad aus,
angenfangen von Endkoordinaten.
if coord is None:
m, n = Moves.shape;
(i, j) = (m-1, n-1);
(i, j) = coord;
path = [(i, j)];
while (i, j) != (0, 0):
match Moves[i, j]:
case Directions.DIAGONAL:
(i, j) = (i - 1, j - 1);
case Directions.HORIZONTAL:
(i, j) = (i, j - 1);
case Directions.VERTICAL:
(i, j) = (i - 1, j);
case _:
path.append((i, j));
return path[::-1];
def reconstruct_optimal_path_halves(
Costs1: np.ndarray, # NDArray[(Any, Any), int],
Costs2: np.ndarray, # NDArray[(Any, Any), int],
Moves1: np.ndarray, # NDArray[(Any, Any), Directions],
Moves2: np.ndarray, # NDArray[(Any, Any), Directions],
) -> Tuple[List[Tuple[int, int]], List[Tuple[int, int]]]:
Rekonstruiere optimale Pfad für Rekursionsschritt,
wenn horizontales Wort in 2 aufgeteilt wird.
coord1, coord2 = get_optimal_transition(Costs1=Costs1, Costs2=Costs2);
path1 = reconstruct_optimal_path(Moves1, coord=coord1);
path2 = reconstruct_optimal_path(Moves2, coord=coord2);
return path1, path2;
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# METHODS reconstruction von words
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
def reconstruct_words(
X: str,
Y: str,
moves: List[Directions],
path: List[Tuple[int, int]],
) -> Tuple[str, str]:
Berechnet String-Alignment aus Path.
word_x = '';
word_y = '';
for ((i, j), move) in zip(path, moves):
x = X[i];
y = Y[j];
match move:
case Directions.DIAGONAL:
word_x += x;
word_y += y;
case Directions.HORIZONTAL:
word_x += '-';
word_y += y;
case Directions.VERTICAL:
word_x += x;
word_y += '-';
return word_x, word_y;
Normal file
Normal file
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
from __future__ import annotations;
from src.thirdparty.types import *;
from src.thirdparty.maths import *;
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
__all__ = [
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Class Alignments
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
class Alignment():
def parts1(self) -> List[str]:
if isinstance(self, AlignmentBasic):
return [self.word1];
elif isinstance(self, AlignmentPair):
return self.left.parts1 + self.right.parts1;
return [];
def parts2(self) -> List[str]:
if isinstance(self, AlignmentBasic):
return [self.word2];
elif isinstance(self, AlignmentPair):
return self.left.parts2 + self.right.parts2;
return [];
def astree(
indent: str = ' ',
prefix: str = '',
braces: bool = False,
branch: str = '|____ ',
) -> str:
return '\n'.join(list(self._astree_recursion(indent=indent, prefix=prefix, braces=braces, branch=branch)));
def _astree_recursion(
depth: int = 0,
indent: str = ' ',
prefix: str = '',
braces: bool = False,
branch: str = '|____ ',
) -> Generator[str, None, None]:
word1 = self.as_string1(braces=braces);
word2 = self.as_string2(braces=braces);
if isinstance(self, AlignmentBasic):
u = prefix + branch if depth > 0 else prefix;
yield f'{u}{word2}';
yield f'{" "*len(u)}{word1}';
elif isinstance(self, AlignmentPair):
u = prefix + branch if depth > 0 else prefix;
yield f'{u}{word2}';
yield f'{" "*len(u)}{word1}';
yield '';
yield from self.left._astree_recursion(
depth = depth + 1,
indent = indent,
prefix = indent + prefix,
braces = braces,
branch = branch,
yield '';
yield from self.right._astree_recursion(
depth = depth + 1,
indent = indent,
prefix = indent + prefix,
braces = braces,
branch = branch,
def as_string1(self, braces: bool = False) -> Tuple[str, str]:
if braces:
return f'({")(".join(self.parts1)})';
return ''.join(self.parts1);
def as_string2(self, braces: bool = False,) -> Tuple[str, str]:
if braces:
return f'({")(".join(self.parts2)})';
return ''.join(self.parts2);
class AlignmentBasic(Alignment):
word1: str = field();
word2: str = field();
class AlignmentPair(Alignment):
left: Alignment = field();
right: Alignment = field();
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
from src.local.typing import *;
from src.thirdparty.types import *;
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@ -1,453 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
from __future__ import annotations;
from src.local.typing import *;
from src.local.maths import *;
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
__all__ = [
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
class DisplayMode(Enum):
NONE = -1;
COSTS = 0;
MOVES = 1;
class Directions(Enum):
UNSET = -1;
# Prioritäten hier setzen
def gap_penalty(x: str):
return 1;
def missmatch_penalty(x: str, y: str):
return 0 if x == y else 1;
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# METHOD hirschberg_algorithm
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
def hirschberg_algorithm_once(
X: str,
Y: str,
mode: DisplayMode = DisplayMode.NONE,
) -> Tuple[str, str]:
Costs, Moves = compute_cost_matrix(X = '-' + X, Y = '-' + Y);
path = reconstruct_optimal_path(Moves=Moves);
word_x, word_y = reconstruct_words(X = '-' + X, Y = '-' + Y, moves=[Moves[coord] for coord in path], path=path);
if mode != DisplayMode.NONE:
repr = display_cost_matrix(Costs=Costs, path=path, X = '-' + X, Y = '-' + Y, mode=mode);
print(f'\n\x1b[1mOptimales Alignment:\x1b[0m');
print(len(word_x) * '-');
return word_x, word_y;
def hirschberg_algorithm(
X: str,
Y: str,
mode: DisplayMode = DisplayMode.NONE,
) -> Tuple[str, str]:
alignments_x, alignments_y = hirschberg_algorithm_step(X=X, Y=Y, depth=1, mode=mode);
word_x = ''.join(alignments_x);
word_y = ''.join(alignments_y);
if mode != DisplayMode.NONE:
display_x = f'[{"][".join(alignments_x)}]';
display_y = f'[{"][".join(alignments_y)}]';
print(f'\n\x1b[1mOptimales Alignment:\x1b[0m');
print(len(display_x) * '-');
return word_x, word_y;
def hirschberg_algorithm_step(
X: str,
Y: str,
depth: int = 0,
mode: DisplayMode = DisplayMode.NONE,
) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]]:
n = len(Y);
if n == 1:
Costs, Moves = compute_cost_matrix(X = '-' + X, Y = '-' + Y);
path = reconstruct_optimal_path(Moves=Moves);
word_x, word_y = reconstruct_words(X = '-' + X, Y = '-' + Y, moves=[Moves[coord] for coord in path], path=path);
# if verbose:
# repr = display_cost_matrix(Costs=Costs, path=path, X = '-' + X, Y = '-' + Y);
# print(f'\n\x1b[1mRekursionstiefe: {depth}\x1b[0m\n\n{repr}')
return [word_x], [word_y];
n = int(np.ceil(n/2));
# bilde linke Hälfte vom horizontalen Wort:
Y1 = Y[:n];
X1 = X;
# bilde rechte Hälfte vom horizontalen Wort (und kehre h. + v. um):
Y2 = Y[n:][::-1];
X2 = X[::-1];
# Löse Teilprobleme:
Costs1, Moves1 = compute_cost_matrix(X = '-' + X1, Y = '-' + Y1);
Costs2, Moves2 = compute_cost_matrix(X = '-' + X2, Y = '-' + Y2);
if mode != DisplayMode.NONE:
path1, path2 = reconstruct_optimal_path_halves(Costs1=Costs1, Costs2=Costs2, Moves1=Moves1, Moves2=Moves2);
repr = display_cost_matrix_halves(
Costs1 = Costs1,
Costs2 = Costs2,
path1 = path1,
path2 = path2,
X1 = '-' + X1,
X2 = '-' + X2,
Y1 = '-' + Y1,
Y2 = '-' + Y2,
mode = mode,
print(f'\n\x1b[1mRekursionstiefe: {depth}\x1b[0m\n\n{repr}')
# Koordinaten des optimalen Übergangs berechnen:
coord1, coord2 = get_optimal_transition(Costs1=Costs1, Costs2=Costs2);
p = coord1[0];
# Divide and Conquer ausführen:
alignments_x_1, alignments_y_1 = hirschberg_algorithm_step(X=X[:p], Y=Y[:n], depth=depth+1, verbose=verbose, mode=mode);
alignments_x_2, alignments_y_2 = hirschberg_algorithm_step(X=X[p:], Y=Y[n:], depth=depth+1, verbose=verbose, mode=mode);
# Resultate zusammensetzen:
alignments_x = alignments_x_1 + alignments_x_2;
alignments_y = alignments_y_1 + alignments_y_2;
if len(Y[:n]) <= 1 and len(Y[n:]) <= 1:
# falls linke + rechte Hälfte nur aus <= 1 Buchstsaben bestehen, bestehen Alignment aus nur einem Teil ---> führe zusammen:
alignments_x = [ ''.join(alignments_x) ];
alignments_y = [ ''.join(alignments_y) ];
return alignments_x, alignments_y;
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# METHODS cost matrix + optimal paths
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
def compute_cost_matrix(
X: str,
Y: str,
) -> Tuple[NDArray[(Any, Any), int], NDArray[(Any, Any), Directions]]:
Berechnet Hirschberg-Costs-Matrix (ohne Rekursion).
- X[0] = gap
- Y[0] = gap
m = len(X); # display vertically
n = len(Y); # display horizontally
Costs = np.full(shape=(m, n), dtype=int, fill_value=0);
Moves = np.full(shape=(m, n), dtype=Directions, fill_value=Directions.UNSET);
# zuerst 0. Spalte und 0. Zeile ausfüllen:
for i, x in list(enumerate(X))[1:]:
update_cost_matrix(Costs, Moves, x, '', i, 0);
for j, y in list(enumerate(Y))[1:]:
update_cost_matrix(Costs, Moves, '', y, 0, j);
# jetzt alle »inneren« Werte bestimmen:
for i, x in list(enumerate(X))[1:]:
for j, y in list(enumerate(Y))[1:]:
update_cost_matrix(Costs, Moves, x, y, i, j);
return Costs, Moves;
def update_cost_matrix(
Costs: NDArray[(Any, Any), int],
Moves: NDArray[(Any, Any), Directions],
x: str,
y: str,
i: int,
j: int,
Schrittweise Funktion zur Aktualisierung vom Eintrag `(i,j)` in der Kostenmatrix.
- alle »Vorgänger« von `(i,j)` in der Matrix sind bereits optimiert.
- `Costs` - bisher berechnete Kostenmatrix
- `Moves` - bisher berechnete optimale Schritte
- `i`, `x` - Position und Wert in String `X` (»vertical« dargestellt)
- `j`, `y` - Position und Wert in String `Y` (»horizontal« dargestellt)
# nichts zu tun, wenn (i, j) == (0, 0):
if i == 0 and j == 0:
Costs[0, 0] = 0;
# NOTE: Berechnung von möglichen Moves wie folgt.
# Fall 1: (i-1,j-1) ---> (i,j)
# ==> Stringvergleich ändert sich wie folgt:
# s1 s1 x
# ---- ---> ------
# s2 s2 y
# Fall 2: (i,j-1) ---> (i,j)
# ==> Stringvergleich ändert sich wie folgt:
# s1 s1 GAP
# ---- ---> -------
# s2 s2 y
# Fall 3: (i-1,j) ---> (i,j)
# ==> Stringvergleich ändert sich wie folgt:
# s1 s1 x
# ---- ---> -------
# s2 s2 GAP
# Diese Fälle berücksichtigen wir:
edges = [];
if i > 0 and j > 0:
Costs[i-1, j-1] + missmatch_penalty(x, y),
if j > 0:
Costs[i, j-1] + gap_penalty(y),
if i > 0:
Costs[i-1, j] + gap_penalty(x),
if len(edges) > 0:
# Sortiere nach Priorität (festgelegt in Enum):
edges = sorted(edges, key=lambda x: x[0].value);
# Wähle erste Möglichkeit mit minimalen Kosten:
index = np.argmin([ cost for _, cost in edges]);
Moves[i, j], Costs[i, j] = edges[index];
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# METHODS optimaler treffpunkt
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
def get_optimal_transition(
Costs1: NDArray[(Any, Any), int],
Costs2: NDArray[(Any, Any), int],
) -> Tuple[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int]]:
Rekonstruiere »Treffpunkt«, wo die Gesamtkosten minimiert sind.
Dieser Punkt stellt einen optimal Übergang für den Rekursionsschritt dar.
(m, n1) = Costs1.shape;
(m, n2) = Costs2.shape;
info = [
Costs1[i, n1-1] + Costs2[m-1-i, n2-1],
(i, n1-1),
(m-1-i, n2-1),
for i in range(m)
index = np.argmin([ cost for cost, _, _ in info ]);
coord1 = info[index][1];
coord2 = info[index][2];
return coord1, coord2;
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# METHODS reconstruction von words/paths
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
def reconstruct_optimal_path(
Moves: NDArray[(Any, Any), Directions],
coord: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None,
) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]:
Liest Matrix mit optimalen Schritten den optimalen Pfad aus,
angenfangen von Endkoordinaten.
if coord is None:
m, n = Moves.shape;
(i, j) = (m-1, n-1);
(i, j) = coord;
path = [(i, j)];
while (i, j) != (0, 0):
match Moves[i, j]:
case Directions.DIAGONAL:
(i, j) = (i - 1, j - 1);
case Directions.HORIZONTAL:
(i, j) = (i, j - 1);
case Directions.VERTICAL:
(i, j) = (i - 1, j);
case _:
path.append((i, j));
return path[::-1];
def reconstruct_optimal_path_halves(
Costs1: NDArray[(Any, Any), int],
Costs2: NDArray[(Any, Any), int],
Moves1: NDArray[(Any, Any), Directions],
Moves2: NDArray[(Any, Any), Directions],
) -> Tuple[List[Tuple[int, int]], List[Tuple[int, int]]]:
Rekonstruiere optimale Pfad für Rekursionsschritt,
wenn horizontales Wort in 2 aufgeteilt wird.
coord1, coord2 = get_optimal_transition(Costs1=Costs1, Costs2=Costs2);
path1 = reconstruct_optimal_path(Moves1, coord=coord1);
path2 = reconstruct_optimal_path(Moves2, coord=coord2);
return path1, path2;
def reconstruct_words(
X: str,
Y: str,
moves: List[Directions],
path: List[Tuple[int, int]],
) -> Tuple[str, str]:
word_x = '';
word_y = '';
for ((i, j), move) in zip(path, moves):
x = X[i];
y = Y[j];
match move:
case Directions.DIAGONAL:
word_x += x;
word_y += y;
case Directions.HORIZONTAL:
word_x += '-';
word_y += y;
case Directions.VERTICAL:
word_x += x;
word_y += '-';
return word_x, word_y;
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
def represent_cost_matrix(
Costs: NDArray[(Any, Any), int],
path: List[Tuple[int, int]],
X: str,
Y: str,
mode: DisplayMode,
pad: bool = False,
) -> NDArray[(Any, Any), Any]:
m = len(X); # display vertically
n = len(Y); # display horizontally
# erstelle string-Array:
if pad:
table = np.full(shape=(3 + m + 3, 3 + n + 1), dtype=object, fill_value='');
table = np.full(shape=(3 + m, 3 + n), dtype=object, fill_value='');
# topmost rows:
table[0, 3:(3+n)] = [str(j) for j in range(n)];
table[1, 3:(3+n)] = [y for y in Y];
table[2, 3:(3+n)] = '--';
# leftmost columns:
table[3:(3+m), 0] = [str(i) for i in range(m)];
table[3:(3+m), 1] = [x for x in X];
table[3:(3+m), 2] = '|';
if pad:
table[-3, 3:(3+n)] = '--';
table[3:(3+m), -1] = '|';
match mode:
case DisplayMode.MOVES:
table[3:(3+m), 3:(3+n)] = '.';
for (i, j) in path:
table[3 + i, 3 + j] = '*';
case DisplayMode.COSTS | DisplayMode.COSTS_AND_MOVES:
table[3:(3+m), 3:(3+n)] = Costs.copy();
if mode == DisplayMode.COSTS_AND_MOVES:
for (i, j) in path:
table[3 + i, 3 + j] = f'{{{table[3 + i, 3 + j]}}}';
return table;
def display_cost_matrix(
Costs: NDArray[(Any, Any), int],
path: List[Tuple[int, int]],
X: str,
Y: str,
mode: DisplayMode,
) -> str:
Zeigt Kostenmatrix + optimalen Pfad.
- `Costs` - Kostenmatrix
- `Moves` - Kodiert die optimalen Schritte
- `X`, `Y` - Strings
- eine 'printable' Darstellung der Matrix mit den Strings X, Y + Indexes.
table = represent_cost_matrix(Costs=Costs, path=path, X=X, Y=Y, mode=mode);
# benutze pandas-Dataframe + tabulate, um schöner darzustellen:
repr = tabulate(pd.DataFrame(table), showindex=False, stralign='center', tablefmt='plain');
return repr;
def display_cost_matrix_halves(
Costs1: NDArray[(Any, Any), int],
Costs2: NDArray[(Any, Any), int],
path1: List[Tuple[int, int]],
path2: List[Tuple[int, int]],
X1: str,
X2: str,
Y1: str,
Y2: str,
mode: DisplayMode,
) -> str:
Zeigt Kostenmatrix + optimalen Pfad für Schritt im D & C Hirschberg-Algorithmus
- `Costs1`, `Costs2` - Kostenmatrizen
- `Moves1`, `Moves2` - Kodiert die optimalen Schritte
- `X1`, `X2`, `Y1`, `Y2` - Strings
- eine 'printable' Darstellung der Matrix mit den Strings X, Y + Indexes.
table1 = represent_cost_matrix(Costs=Costs1, path=path1, X=X1, Y=Y1, mode=mode, pad=True);
table2 = represent_cost_matrix(Costs=Costs2, path=path2, X=X2, Y=Y2, mode=mode, pad=True);
# merge Taellen:
table = np.concatenate([table1[:, :-1], table2[::-1, ::-1]], axis=1);
# benutze pandas-Dataframe + tabulate, um schöner darzustellen:
repr = tabulate(pd.DataFrame(table), showindex=False, stralign='center', tablefmt='plain');
return repr;
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
from dataclasses import dataclass;
from dataclasses import field;
from enum import Enum;
from enum import Enum;
from types import TracebackType;
from types import TracebackType;
from typing import Any;
from typing import Any;
@ -25,6 +27,8 @@ from nptyping import NDArray;
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
__all__ = [
__all__ = [
@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
from __future__ import annotations;
from __future__ import annotations;
from src.local.typing import *;
from src.thirdparty.types import *;
from src.local.maths import *;
from src.thirdparty.maths import *;
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ from pytest import lazy_fixture;
from unittest import TestCase;
from unittest import TestCase;
from unittest.mock import patch;
from unittest.mock import patch;
from src.local.typing import *;
from src.thirdparty.types import *;
from src.graphs.graph import *;
from src.graphs.graph import *;
from src.graphs.tarjan import *;
from src.graphs.tarjan import *;
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