set shell := [ "bash", "-uc" ] _default: @- just --unsorted --choose # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Justfile # NOTE: Do not change the contents of this file! # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # VARIABLES # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PYTHON := if os_family() == "windows" { "py -3" } else { "python3" } GEN_MODELS := "datamodel-codegen" GEN_MODELS_DOCUMENTATION := "openapi-generator" # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Macros # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _create-file-if-not-exists fname: @touch "{{fname}}"; _create-folder-if-not-exists path: @if ! [ -d "{{path}}" ]; then mkdir "{{path}}"; fi _delete-if-file-exists fname: @if [ -f "{{fname}}" ]; then rm "{{fname}}"; fi _delete-if-folder-exists path: @if [ -d "{{path}}" ]; then rm -rf "{{path}}"; fi _clean-all-files pattern: @find . -type f -name "{{pattern}}" -exec basename {} \; 2> /dev/null @- find . -type f -name "{{pattern}}" -exec rm {} \; 2> /dev/null _clean-all-folders pattern: @find . -type d -name "{{pattern}}" -exec basename {} \; 2> /dev/null @- find . -type d -name "{{pattern}}" -exec rm -rf {} \; 2> /dev/null _docker-build-and-log service: @docker compose up --build -d {{service}} && docker compose logs -f --tail=0 {{service}} _docker-build-and-interact service container: @docker compose up --build -d {{service}} && docker attach {{container}} _generate-models path name: @{{GEN_MODELS}} \ --input-file-type openapi \ --encoding "UTF-8" \ --disable-timestamp \ --use-schema-description \ --allow-population-by-field-name \ --snake-case-field \ --strict-nullable \ --target-python-version 3.9 \ --input {{path}}/{{name}}-schema.yaml \ --output {{path}}/generated/{{name}}.py _generate-models-documentation path name: @- just _delete-if-folder-exists "docs/{{name}}" @- just _create-folder-if-not-exists "docs/{{name}}" @- {{GEN_MODELS_DOCUMENTATION}} generate \ --input-spec {{path}}/{{name}}-schema.yaml \ --generator-name markdown \ --output "docs/{{name}}" @- just _clean-all-files .openapi-generator* @- just _clean-all-folders .openapi-generator* # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # TARGETS # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # TARGETS: build # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ build: _build-requirements _build-skip-requirements _build-skip-requirements: build-models _build-requirements: @{{PYTHON}} -m pip install --disable-pip-version-check -r requirements.txt build-models: @just _check-system-requirements @just _build-models @just _build-models-documentation _build-models: @echo "Generate data models from schemata." @just _delete-if-folder-exists "models/generated" @just _create-folder-if-not-exists "models/generated" @- just _generate-models "models" "config" @- just _generate-models "models" "commands" _build-models-documentation: @echo "Generate documentations data models from schemata." @just _delete-if-folder-exists "docs" @just _create-folder-if-not-exists "docs" @- just _generate-models-documentation "models" "config" @- just _generate-models-documentation "models" "commands" # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # TARGETS: run # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ run: @{{PYTHON}} # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # TARGETS: tests # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tests: tests-unit tests-logs: @just _create-logs @- just tests @just _display-logs tests-unit-logs: @just _create-logs @- just tests-unit @just _display-logs tests-unit: @{{PYTHON}} -m pytest tests \ --ignore=tests/integration \ --cov-reset \ --cov=. \ 2> /dev/null # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # TARGETS: qa # NOTE: use for development only. # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ qa: @{{PYTHON}} -m coverage report -m coverage source_path tests_path: @just _create-logs @-just _coverage-no-logs "{{source_path}}" "{{tests_path}}" @just _display-logs _coverage-no-logs source_path tests_path: @{{PYTHON}} -m pytest {{tests_path}} \ --ignore=tests/integration \ --cov-reset \ --cov={{source_path}} \ --capture=tee-sys \ 2> /dev/null # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # TARGETS: clean # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ clean: @-just clean-basic @-just clean-sessions clean-sessions: @echo "All sessions will be force removed." @- just _delete-if-folder-exists ".secrets" 2> /dev/null clean-basic: @echo "All system artefacts will be force removed." @- just _clean-all-files ".DS_Store" 2> /dev/null @echo "All test artefacts will be force removed." @- just _clean-all-folders ".pytest_cache" 2> /dev/null @- just _delete-if-file-exists ".coverage" 2> /dev/null @- just _delete-if-folder-exists "logs" @echo "All build artefacts will be force removed." @- just _clean-all-folders "__pycache__" 2> /dev/null @- just _delete-if-folder-exists "models/generated" 2> /dev/null # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # TARGETS: logging, session # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _create-logs: @# For logging purposes (since stdout is rechanneled): @just _delete-if-file-exists "logs/debug.log" @just _create-folder-if-not-exists "logs" @just _create-file-if-not-exists "logs/debug.log" _display-logs: @echo "" @echo "Content of logs/debug.log:" @echo "----------------" @echo "" @- cat logs/debug.log @echo "" @echo "----------------" # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # TARGETS: requirements # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ check-system: @echo "Operating System detected: {{os_family()}}." @echo "Python command used: {{PYTHON}}." _check-system-requirements: @if ! ( {{GEN_MODELS}} --help >> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ); then \ echo "Command '{{GEN_MODELS}}' did not work. Ensure that the installation of 'datamodel-code-generator' worked and that system paths are set." \ exit 1; \ fi @if ! ( {{GEN_MODELS_DOCUMENTATION}} --help >> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ); then \ echo "Command '{{GEN_MODELS_DOCUMENTATION}}' did not work. Ensure that the installation of 'datamodel-code-generator' worked and that system paths are set." \ exit 1; \ fi