main > main: presentation for paper-dilation
This commit is contained in:
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@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
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"# Examples - non-dilatable $d$-parameter $C_{0}$-semigroups #\n",
"This notebook provides supplementary material to the research paper <>.\n",
"In §5.3 a construction is given which yields for any $d \\geq 2$\n",
"a $d$-parameter $C_{0}$-semigroup, $T$ satisfying:\n",
"- $T$ is contractive (equivalently its marginals $T_{i}$ are for each $i$);\n",
"- the generator $A_{i}$ of $T_{i}$ has strictly negative spectral bound for each $i$;\n",
"and such that $T$ is __not__ **completely dissipative**.\n",
"Thus by the classification Theorem (Thm 1.1), $T$ does not have a regular unitary dilation.\n",
"This Notebook demonstrates this general result empirically."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 12,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"import os;\n",
"import sys;\n",
"# NOTE: need this to force jupyter to reload imports:\n",
"for key in list(sys.modules.keys()):\n",
" if key.startswith('src.'):\n",
" del sys.modules[key];\n",
"sys.path.insert(0, os.getcwd());\n",
"from src.examples_dilations import *;"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 13,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"# User input:\n",
"N = 4; # dimension of the Hilbert space.\n",
"d = 4;\n",
"# If you ensure that the failure of S_{T,K} >= 0 only occurs for K = {1,2,...,d}\n",
"# + you want S_TK > 0 (strictly) for all K ≠ {1,2,...,d}:\n",
"alpha = 1/math.sqrt(d - 0.5);\n",
"# If you ensure that the failure of S_{T,K} >= 0 only occurs for K = {1,2,...,d}\n",
"# alpha = 1/math.sqrt(d - 1);\n",
"# Otherwise:\n",
"# alpha = 1;"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 14,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"The marginal semigroups T_i and their generators A_i:\n",
" i spec bound of A_i A_i dissipative (<==> T_i contractive)?\n",
"--- ------------------- -----------------------------------------\n",
" 1 -0.465478 True\n",
" 2 -0.465478 True\n",
" 3 -0.465478 True\n",
" 4 -0.465478 True\n"
"source": [
"# create the generators `A_i` of the marginal semigroups `T_i`:`\n",
"A = [\n",
" generate_semigroup_generator(\n",
" shape = [N, N],\n",
" rational = True,\n",
" base = 100,\n",
" alpha = alpha,\n",
" )\n",
" for _ in range(d)\n",
"data = [];\n",
"for i, A_i in enumerate(A):\n",
" omega_Re = spec_bounds((1/2)*(A_i + A_i.T.conj()));\n",
" omega = spec_bounds(A_i);\n",
" data.append((i+1, omega_Re, True if (omega_Re <= 0) else False));\n",
"repr = tabulate(\n",
" tabular_data = data,\n",
" headers = ['i', 'spec bound of A_i', 'A_i dissipative (<==> T_i contractive)?'],\n",
" showindex = False,\n",
" floatfmt = '.6f',\n",
" colalign = ['center', 'center', 'center'],\n",
" tablefmt = 'simple',\n",
"print(f'\\nThe marginal semigroups T_i and their generators A_i:\\n\\n{repr}');"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 15,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Dissipation operators:\n",
" K min σ(S_{T,K}) S_{T,K} >= 0?\n",
"------------ ---------------- ---------------\n",
" [] 1.000000 True\n",
" [3] 0.465478 True\n",
" [2] 0.465478 True\n",
" [1] 0.465478 True\n",
" [0] 0.465478 True\n",
" [2, 3] 0.212675 True\n",
" [1, 3] 0.183738 True\n",
" [1, 2] 0.217453 True\n",
" [0, 3] 0.200206 True\n",
" [0, 2] 0.301332 True\n",
" [0, 1] 0.215681 True\n",
" [1, 2, 3] 0.058427 True\n",
" [0, 2, 3] 0.075037 True\n",
" [0, 1, 3] 0.056030 True\n",
" [0, 1, 2] 0.077350 True\n",
"[0, 1, 2, 3] -0.082403 False\n"
"source": [
"# compute the dissipation operators `S_TK` for each `K ⊆ {1,2,...,d}``:\n",
"S, beta_T = dissipation_operators(shape=[N, N], A=A);\n",
"data = [];\n",
"for K, S_TK, b in sorted(S, key=lambda x: len(x[0])):\n",
" data.append((K, b, True if b >= -MACHINE_EPS else False))\n",
"repr = tabulate(\n",
" tabular_data = data,\n",
" headers = ['K', 'min σ(S_{T,K})', 'S_{T,K} >= 0?'],\n",
" showindex = False,\n",
" floatfmt = '.6f',\n",
" colalign = ['center', 'center', 'center'],\n",
" tablefmt = 'simple',\n",
"print(f'\\nDissipation operators:\\n\\n{repr}');"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 16,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"β_T = min_K min σ(S_{T,K}) = -0.082403\n",
"⟹ T is not compeletely dissipative.\n",
"⟹ (by Thm 1.1) T does not have a regular unitary dilation.\n"
"source": [
"# Display summary:\n",
"print(f'β_T = min_K min σ(S_{{T,K}}) = {beta_T:.6f}');\n",
"if beta_T == 0:\n",
" print('⟹ T is compeletely dissipative.');\n",
" print('⟹ (by Thm 1.1) T has a regular unitary dilation.');\n",
"elif beta_T > 0:\n",
" print('⟹ T is compeletely super dissipative.');\n",
" print('⟹ (by Thm 1.1) T has a regular unitary dilation.');\n",
" print('⟹ T is not compeletely dissipative.');\n",
" print('⟹ (by Thm 1.1) T does not have a regular unitary dilation.');"
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Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# AUTHOR: Raj Dahya
# CREATED: 05.09.2022
# EDITED: 08.10.2022
# TYPE: Source code
# DEPARTMENT: Fakult\"at for Mathematik und Informatik
# INSTITUTE: Universit\"at Leipzig
# NOTE: Collapse this block.
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
import re;
import math
from tkinter import E;
import numpy as np;
from typing import Generator;
import itertools;
from tabulate import tabulate;
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
MACHINE_EPS = 0.5e-12;
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# SECONDARY METHODS - Generate C0-Semigroup Generator
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
def generate_semigroup_generator(
shape: list[int, int],
rational: bool = False,
base: int = 2,
alpha: float = 1,
) -> np.ndarray:
Creates bounded generators for d commuting C0-semigroups as in the paper (cf. §5.3).
- `shape` - <int, int> Desired shape of output.
- `rational` - <bool> Whether or not entries are to be rational.
- `base` - <int> If `rational = True`, fixes the denominator of the rational numbers.
- `alpha` - <float> Additional parameter to scale the D_i operators.
NOTE: in the paper `α = 1` was chosen. However one can choose any value in `(1/√d, \infty)`.
By choosing any value `α ≥ 1/√(d-1)`, by the computations in Proposition 5.3
one can force that the S_TK operators only fail to be positive when |K| > d-1.
Randomly created bounded generators for C0-semigroups as in the paper (cf. §5.3).
sh = tuple(shape)
m, n = sh;
assert m == n, 'must be square';
assert m % 2 == 0, 'dimensions must be divisible by 2';
N = int(m/2);
I = generate_op_identity(shape=[2*N, 2*N]);
O = generate_op_zero(shape=[N, N]);
U = generate_op_unitary(
shape = [N, N],
rational = rational,
base = base,
D = alpha * U;
A = -I + np.vstack([
np.hstack([ O, -2*D ]),
np.hstack([ O, O ]),
return A;
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# SECONDARY METHODS - Compute spectral bounds
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
def spec_bounds(A: np.ndarray) -> float:
Computes the spectral bounds of an operator:
\max_{i} \max \{ Re \lambda : \lambda \in \sigma(A_{i}) \}
sigma_A = np.linalg.eigvals(A);
return max(np.real(sigma_A));
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# SECONDARY METHODS - Generate Dissipation Operator
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
def dissipation_operators(
shape: list[int, int],
A: list[np.ndarray],
) -> tuple[
Computes the dissipation operators and their minimum spectral values.
d = len(A);
indexes = list(range(d));
data = [];
beta = np.inf;
for K in power_set(indexes):
S_TK, eig_K = dissipation_operator(shape=shape, A=A, K=K);
data.append((K, S_TK, eig_K));
beta = min(eig_K, beta);
return data, beta;
def dissipation_operator(
shape: list[int, int],
A: list[np.ndarray],
K: list[int],
) -> tuple[np.ndarray, float]:
Computes the dissipation operator `S_{T,K}` and its minimum spectral values.
sh = tuple(shape)
m, n = sh;
assert m == n, 'must be square';
N = m;
O = generate_op_zero(shape=[N, N]);
I = generate_op_identity(shape=[N, N]);
S = O;
for C, C_ in partitions_two(K):
A_C = I;
A_C_ = I;
for i in C:
A_C = A_C @ -A[i];
for i in C_:
A_C_ = A_C_ @ -A[i];
S += A_C.conj().T @ A_C_;
S = (1/2**len(K)) * S;
eig = min(np.real(np.linalg.eigvals(S)));
return S, eig;
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
def power_set(K: list[int]) -> Generator[list[int], None, None]:
Iterates through all subsets `C` of a set `K`.
n = len(K);
for ch in itertools.product(*([[0,1]]*n)):
yield [ K[i] for i in range(n) if ch[i] == 1 ];
def partitions_two(K: list[int]) -> Generator[tuple[list[int],list[int]], None, None]:
Iterates through all partitions `[C1, C2]` of a set `K` of size 2.
n = len(K);
for ch in itertools.product(*([[0,1]]*n)):
yield (
[ K[i] for i in range(n) if ch[i] == 1 ],
[ K[i] for i in range(n) if ch[i] == 0 ],
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
def generate_op_zero(shape: list[int, int]) -> np.ndarray:
Returns the zero operator with the right shape and type.
sh = tuple(shape)
O = np.zeros(sh).astype(complex);
return O;
def generate_op_identity(shape: list[int, int]) -> np.ndarray:
Returns the identity operator with the right shape and type.
sh = tuple(shape)
m, n = sh;
assert m == n, 'must be square';
I = np.eye(m).astype(complex);
return I;
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
def generate_op_selfadjoint(
shape: list[int, int],
bound: float = 1.,
) -> np.ndarray:
Generates a self-adjoint operator.
- `shape` - <int, int> Desired shape of the output.
- `bound` - <float> The desired norm of output operator.
A randomly generated self-adjoint operator as a matrix.
sh = tuple(shape)
m, n = sh;
assert m == n, 'must be square';
A = np.random.random(sh) + 1j * np.random.random(sh);
S = (A + A.conj().T)/2.;
M = np.linalg.norm(S);
if M > 0:
S = (bound/M) * S;
return S;
def generate_onb(shape: list[int, int]) -> np.ndarray:
Generates an ONB.
- `shape` - <int, int> Desired shape of matrices.
An ONB for an n-dim complex Hilbert space as a matrix.
sh = tuple(shape)
m, n = sh;
assert m == n, 'must be square';
N = m;
O = generate_op_zero(shape=[N, N]);
P = O;
for k in range(N):
while True:
v = np.random.random((N,)) + 1j * np.random.random((N,));
for i in range(k):
# NOTE: np.inner does not work.
coeff = np.sum([ v[j] * P[j, i].conj() for j in range(N)]);
v -= coeff * P[:, i];
norm_v = np.linalg.norm(v);
if norm_v > 0.:
P[:, k] = v / norm_v;
return P;
def generate_op_unitary(
shape: list[int, int],
rational: bool = False,
base: int = 2,
) -> np.ndarray:
Generates a unitary operator.
- `shape` - <int, int> Desired shape of output.
- `rational` - <bool> Whether or not entries are to be rational.
- `base` - <int> If `rational = True`, fixes the denominator of the rational numbers.
A randomly generated unitary operator as a matrix.
sh = tuple(shape)
m, n = sh;
assert m == n, 'must be square';
N = m;
P = generate_onb(shape=shape);
if rational:
theta = 2 * np.pi * np.random.randint(low=0, high=base, size=N) / base;
theta = 2 * np.pi * np.random.random(size=N);
D = np.diag(np.exp(1j * theta));
U = P @ D @ P.conj().T;
return U;
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
def ask_confirmation(message: str):
while True:
answer = input(f'{message} (y/n): ');
if re.match(pattern='^y(es)?|1$', string=answer, flags=re.IGNORECASE):
return True;
elif re.match(pattern='^n(o)?|0$', string=answer, flags=re.IGNORECASE):
return False;
Reference in New Issue
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