2023-05-13 17:47:58 +02:00

1014 B

Julia für Numerik

Source code for the website and PDF "Julia für Numerik"

  • It uses the Quarto publishing system.
  • It uses the Quarto extension julia-color to support the conversion of Jupyter code output cells with ANSI escape sequences to HTML and LaTeX/PDF

Since the julia-color extension needs a patched Quarto anyway, we use two more patches.

  • patch-quarto-julia reduces the startup.jl used by quarto to a minimum.
  • patch-quarto-stacktrace adds the julia stacktrace to the output of code cells with julia errors. See e.g. the second code cell here
cd quarto-cli
patch -p1 < patch-quarto-julia
patch -p1 < patch-quarto-stacktrace

All content & code licenced under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.